It has been a really crazy few weeks. And while I set up this blog account with the full intention of blogging at least twice a week, I have failed. Well just for this month anyway.
So what has kept me away from blogging you ask:
1. Sales. My little madeit store has been really busy the last few weeks. I'm so happy. I've even sold a few items that have been there for months, which is even better. I sold practically nothing in December (I was so disappointed), had a few sales in January. But Febuary, my oh my! I've sold a heaps. I have a few custom listings to complete and my second wholesale order.
2. Toilet training. Miss 3 has finially decided that it's time to be a big girl. And I must say, it hasn't been anywhere near the drama I thought it would be eg. lots of accidents and soiled undies.
3. Facebook Fan Page. I'm really glad to see it grow. I'm also really loving hearing some great positive comments. Only about half my madeit sales have left feedback. This always leaves me wondering if they're not happy with the purchase, or just a little slack on the feedback.
4. Get Fit 101. So while I've been spending a lot of my spare time sewing, it has meant I haven't done much else (except for eat a tonne of malteasers). The scorching summer heat hasn't helped either by keeping us housebound and out of the 40+ degree hreat. So the scales have crept up a little. I'm crushed. It took me a lot of effort to lose the 27kgs I put on last pregnancy. Not the mention the 2kgs that were still there from the first time round! And to see some weight gain is not good at all. So I bought a bike trailer for the kids now that Miss 1 is old enough to go in it. We also have a MacPac backpack (the best thing I have ever, ever, ever bought for the kids). So I've been riding and hiking as much as possible.
So I had better get back to my sewing and finish off projects.
Oh and i have also joined a great handmade cooperative blog. Here's a link:
I really must learn how to do html link codes. Oh and get those lovely gadgets on my blog.
Happy Creating
Sounds like you have been very busy! I agree it is great to get feedback :)